Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
310 lines
/* Initial cut at a "Port Broker" for the LoadIPCPort function */
/* version 89:11:26 */
* This is a simple broker program that determines which
* program should be loaded to service a requested IPCPort
* name. When running, it is sent a message whenever a
* LoadIPCPort call in another program cannot find a served
* port of that name already active. The broker looks the
* name up in its list (created at startup time for now);
* if it is found, there will be a CLI command associated
* with it, which the broker executes. At the same time,
* the port is marked as "LOADING", so that it can accept
* messages.
* The list pairing port names with commands is created
* from a file read when the broker starts. (This simple
* version has no mechanism for adding or changing entries
* later, but such wouldn't be hard to add.)
* If the broker is run from the CLI, you can specify the
* file as an argument; if it is started from the WorkBench,
* you can put a tooltype 'FILE=filename' in the icon.
* If no file at all is specified, it will look for
* "IPC_Port_List" in 'S:'. If it can't find a file, or it
* is empty, the broker will abort.
* The file format is simply a series of single-line entries,
* each beginning with a port name ENCLOSED IN QUOTES, followed
* by a space and then the CLI command to be executed that will
* result in that port being served. (A full command pathname is
* generally required -- unless the command is in 'C:'; full
* paths are always required for argument files.) Any line
* that doesn't begin with a quote (") is simply skipped,
* so you can include comments if you want.
* [This format was chosen simply because it was easy to
* implement -- other brokers might define quite a different
* one. Multiple line commands, or wild card matching, might
* be allowed, for instance.]
* Note that -- because of Execute()'s limitations -- there
* is NO way for the broker to know if the command has actually
* been successfully launched or not. So it is possible that
* a LOADING port might never actually do so!
* Note also that -- for similar reasons -- all command output
* is directed to NIL: when the broker is started from an icon.
* It should be possible to direct it to the window Lattice
* kindly opens for us, but this is not straightforward.
* (To terminate the broker, type ctrl-C to its window.)
* * * * *
* [This program has only been compiled under Lattice 5.04]
#include "IPCPorts.h"
#include "IPC_proto.h"
#include "IPC.h"
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/exec.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <workbench/icon.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/tasks.h>
#include <libraries/DOS.h>
#define SOL(s) ((LONG)sizeof(s))
#define IPPL MAKE_ID('I','P','P','L')
#define PORT MAKE_ID('P','O','R','T')
struct IPCPort *brokerport;
struct IPCMessage *imsg=NULL;
void baditem(struct IPCItem *, ULONG);
void outputstr(char *);
struct Task * FindTask(char *);
void Cleanup();
struct portref {
struct portref * next;
int flags;
char * portname;
char * command;
} * portlist, * endlist;
ULONG bportsig = 0; /* signal masks for port */
int active = TRUE;
char * bfilename = "S:IPC_Port_List";
int newportref(char * line)
char * cp;
struct portref * ref;
if (*line != '"') return TRUE; /* required for now (just skip if not)*/
for (cp=line+1; *cp && *cp != '"'; cp++) {/* loop*/};
if (!*cp) return TRUE; /* just skip a bad line... */
*cp = '\0'; /* cut the line in two */
while (*++cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') {/*loop*/};
if (!(ref = calloc(1, sizeof(struct portref)))) return FALSE;
if (!(ref->portname = malloc(strlen(line+1)+1))) return FALSE;
if (!(ref->command = malloc(strlen(cp)+1))) return FALSE;
strcpy(ref->portname, line+1);
strcpy(ref->command, cp);
if (endlist) endlist->next = ref;
else portlist = ref;
endlist = ref;
return TRUE;
int getportlist(char * filename)
FILE * bfile;
char line[256];
line[255] = '\0'; /* just in case...*/
bfile = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!bfile) return FALSE;
while (fgets(line, 255, bfile) && newportref(line)) {/*loop*/};
return portlist ? TRUE : FALSE; /* reading nothing regarded as error */
ULONG dosout;
LONG IconBase;
extern struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg;
struct DiskObject *iconobj, *GetDiskObject();
int readWB()
char **toolarray, *FindToolType();
char * portliststring;
struct WBArg *argptr;
dosout = Open("NIL:", MODE_OLDFILE); /* redirect to black hole */
if (!WBenchMsg)
return FALSE;
IconBase = OpenLibrary(ICONNAME,1);
if (!IconBase)
return FALSE; /* just soldier on...*/
argptr = WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList;
if (!(iconobj = GetDiskObject(argptr->wa_Name)))
return FALSE;
toolarray = iconobj->do_ToolTypes;
if (portliststring = FindToolType(toolarray,"FILE"))
bfilename = portliststring;
return TRUE;
void main(int argc, char ** argv)
ULONG sigset;
dosout = Output(); /* unless WorkBench */
if (!argc) readWB();
else if (argc > 1) /* use passed filename */
bfilename = argv[1];
IPCBase = OpenLibrary("ppipc.library",0);
if (!IPCBase) {
outputstr("couldn't find IPC Library -- TTFN...\n");
if (!getportlist(bfilename)) {
outputstr("couldn't read the port list\n");
brokerport = ServeIPCPort("PortBrokerPort");
if (!brokerport) {Cleanup(); _exit(11);}
bportsig = 1<<brokerport->ipp_Port.mp_SigBit;
outputstr("Opened 'PortBrokerPort'\n");
do {
while ( procimsg() ) ; /* loop */
if (active) {
sigset = Wait(bportsig | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
if (sigset & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) {
active = FALSE;
continue; /* so we clear out any messages that sneak in */
} while (active);
outputstr("Broker terminating...\n");
void cleanportlist()
struct portref * ref;
while (portlist) {
ref = portlist;
portlist = ref->next;
portlist = endlist = NULL; /* in case of future developments */
void Cleanup()
if (brokerport) LeaveIPCPort(brokerport);
if (iconobj) FreeDiskObject(iconobj);
if (IconBase) CloseLibrary(IconBase);
if (dosout && dosout != Output()) Close(dosout);
struct IPCItem *item;
if (!(imsg = (struct IPCMessage *) GetMsg(brokerport))) return FALSE;
item = imsg->ipc_Items;
if (imsg->ipc_Id == IPPL && item->ii_Id == PORT
&& loadport(item->ii_Ptr)) /* everything OK */;
else imsg->ipc_Flags |= IPC_NOTKNOWN;
return TRUE;
void baditem(item, extraflags)
struct IPCItem *item;
ULONG extraflags;
imsg->ipc_Flags |= IPC_CHECKITEM;
item->ii_Flags |= IPC_NOTKNOWN | extraflags;
void outputstr(str) char *str;
Write(dosout, str, strlen(str));
* loadport(portptr)
* -- actually initiates the loading procedure.
* returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
loadport(port) struct IPCPort *port;
struct portref * pr = portlist;
char * pname = port->ipp_Name;
outputstr("Looking up server for port '");
for (pr=portlist; pr && strcmp(pr->portname, pname); pr = pr->next)
if (pr) { /* we have a match */
port->ipp_Flags |= IPP_LOADING;
Execute(pr->command, 0, dosout); /* out to NIL: if WB */
outputstr(" -- OK\n");
return TRUE;
else {
outputstr(" -- Not Found!\n");
return FALSE;